Monday, October 21, 2013

the blackout

Waking too late in the afternoon, the room is

A cavern of questions, darkened by pulled shades, elevated on empty bottles of wine and torch lit
Fire should be licking up the walls, bringing it all down around us, but like the devil
The walls are too wet to burn, too dry to boil, nothing  but our innards left to steam
Not a crack for the vapor to escape through anyway, so the air becomes too still, paradise happened
And too much noise, must have erupted into hell
When I knelt down to wonder if the blood splashed on the sheets is yours or mine, your fingerprints
Put rings around my neck and they blossom, stretch inward to swallow hard around stone
The mirror showing swollen yellows and purple, behind ballooning glands together a 

Royal primrose, to carry me further down the road


This image of a hand and lake was apparently created by Pierre Boucher especially for the book by Marcel Natkin, Fascinating Fakes in Photography, 1939
 via findartinfo [caption from here]