Friday, March 2, 2012


Here and There:
Time would surly snap
as it split in two, in the slide
down death's blade--
in the curling of a dried stem
as though scissors met a ribbon
whenever we're torn apart

Various emotion still assembles
with the change of weather,
puddling outside the balcony doors
as the window pulls in
more cold air, whenever your gone

Candle lighting, a dangerous game
as wax drips down the edge
of empty wine bottle and
onto the table---

Your shoes sit in a far corner
chewing their own leather
that moment of loss
that presents itself as echoes
stacked on echoes, when home
feels as bare as a
warehouse floor---

And you may never return
to a place that has flowers


  1. Such vivid images and eloquent poetry. As though right there as I read -- imagining the entire scene. You're so very talented. ~barb k~

  2. I really liked the images of blades and ribbon, of dull dried candle wax and the the shoes in the corner chewing themselves is such a fine line. Well written words
