Thursday, March 28, 2019

Raven.  Difference, between black bird and crow.

Minutes, seconds after solitary, i was on display for a higher eye, pulled by an ankle, string and into river, swift rock swirled round boundary, moss slick, in strand
among cold trout after their place in beds
became of war, of

what she couldn't say, forced to settle
rather reckon, this stick cradling a swollen grub. Sol-brush, in their doing
depending. Sky, window, touched with gray, what's human through cloud, reptilian in spring...
and still spared but down river
what lovely gush and rush of season.


anywhere and do, not to get there
only arrive, flower bloomed, in perfume living out their time-must lay there, just
a little longer, in storm, in pouring, still
out and sun,.steam and faucet
hot out, with a touch of warning, and where to fall a curtain.

Your world, could out day, the way numbers run out and do. Our place little more than then this, to out do.
Longer seconds, work a tight knot with a pin, and pin taps into mussel
not sure of its way, it's own

watched on a clock, disappeared under two hands,

lingers, far to cry, easy to pinch, brought out for a Lord and his supper
in a dish there. hoarding self and hook
porridge to drool for oats
through where you go, checked
in to separate teeth

or should of left

to live overshadowed, where the truth could never take, and happening
restless, where they enfold others, and get change my dear. These truth tellers, those liers.
One forward took two back. At a table a man chews his own thumbnail. Gone round the cards, black moon, rather take on radio, that too. In the gut, a mask who took the claw.

Monday, October 21, 2013

the blackout

Waking too late in the afternoon, the room is

A cavern of questions, darkened by pulled shades, elevated on empty bottles of wine and torch lit
Fire should be licking up the walls, bringing it all down around us, but like the devil
The walls are too wet to burn, too dry to boil, nothing  but our innards left to steam
Not a crack for the vapor to escape through anyway, so the air becomes too still, paradise happened
And too much noise, must have erupted into hell
When I knelt down to wonder if the blood splashed on the sheets is yours or mine, your fingerprints
Put rings around my neck and they blossom, stretch inward to swallow hard around stone
The mirror showing swollen yellows and purple, behind ballooning glands together a 

Royal primrose, to carry me further down the road


This image of a hand and lake was apparently created by Pierre Boucher especially for the book by Marcel Natkin, Fascinating Fakes in Photography, 1939
 via findartinfo [caption from here]

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Snail Jar

Its vision is of light and air
Breath drowning in silver light, hinged on
Sleepy shimmers under an eye
Rolled back against seeping white
Black shelved into the horizon
Where the stream puddles to pond 

Troubled is the old man, telling
Outside the door in the wolves steady howls
Shape fading behind cottony grays
Sprung and knocked over metal coils
A higher tide, soothed 
Shattering clay on rocks, pulled deeper 
In fleshy embraces, noise 
That sometimes sings of a better world 
Even out there, behind screens
And loosening rabbit ears 

Forgetting, in trembling clouds 
As punishing and soft as the gods 
Crumbling stony path, ripe fertile dirt 
Meaning in yellowing green, slithering
Gnawing, beastly boneless mouth  
Of the anti butterfly 

Sunday, May 6, 2012



Time keeps slipping away… #Art #Surreal #Beauty #Clock #Girl #Time #Cool (Taken with instagram)

Surrounded by pillows, we laid
Cupped in our quiet nest
Tented in white---
Your skin raising goose flesh
As it shivered under my hands
Your face passed over my shadow
Like tics on the mantle clock
Hard as oak, pierced in wet silk
No, not yet you, not yet
Till finally set free, painfully good
But reality apparently
The enemy of the dream 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Some Things Borrowed

O dear hearts
How many are getting scribbled on
Scrambled, torn and blown away
Flaunted, soured, stoned
For lack of mercy, perhaps
I was born this way too, kneeling
Strobe lifted on a soaring dream
Not exactly my own though
A ribbon, always standing
Straight backed, motionless at attention
Folded and holding, like troubled
Fidgeting hands
Fingers weaved within fingers
Webbed ready butterflies, amber
Sticky and slipping, from root to pulse
Forced through invisible tubes in the arm
Growing swollen, polyps
Poisoning purplish domes
Getting hard as rocks
Something else then,
Mourned from the dark in a surrounded
Wakeful sleep, becoming thirsty, obscene
Even so its kept and held there, a moth
Under the bulb or steaming
From baked clay
Pinned through the black hole
In small birds eye, darling even so
Its little to do with wanting
Tasteless pain, blisters risen so heavenly
In this sin, your features shaded, sick
Under uneven lighting
Like what walks away on death heels
Even with the memory of the heart
I felt once, hatch like an egg in my gut
And even so the children
Are going to get served anyway
Glued with thread to the platter
And down came the ax, through girdle and lace
Bastards, that kept digging
Digging in for seed, for the prize
Drunk static across a screen
Forks twirling buttered flesh
New loves sprouting everywhere
Like noodles and yellow peppers

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Square Peg, liquid window

You should have gone back to bed, sleeping
Faster, rather then invade parts of private thought
Where I turn--- turn and forget: reality
With a few remaining words, raw
Alive in form, wet and still curling from their
Dirty little holes and (invisibly) straddled, a

Fertile paper door that staples shut
The places where our heads swim into fish lips
Coming undone, as we escape the vine
Ripe, pregnant and round, juice behind
The thin skin of an early summer plum, just
To be bound, tighter then ever
Twine around hips, then pinned against
The sway of a branch, silver water

Some offering to the moon
As we linger there… under the sky’s dark awning
An invented equinox, that burns the bottom
Of the pot like dried corn
A tumor trimmed back against its tender vein

And its not loud at first, you and I
Just the crinkle of a snake shedding in a wooden bowl
-- black and pink neon, that flickers
Abandoned beams down to a walkway… leading
Leading… this way to our side, pleasure and pain
The wings of greenish moths, zapped into circles
Of vaporized sulfur, your eyes

Through waffle screens, as you continue
Changing clothes and skins

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Rage

We were the vapor held in under blondish light
Smoke as it shattered and rolled under the door

Moon kissed and turning like a page
Turning, through last nights brandy, spicy
As our eternity… passion drunk
And blood starved for miles flat against your ripe lips
And a sudden electrocuting emptiness
That split me apart, sending me a thousand ways
I was dizzy in white dust, a sprout growing
In a full day of sun
But its all going black now, let out
Frost spiked into ever so slightly
Under an even glow
Of spinning stars